“Private Martinez” pencil on paper 20 cm x 10 cm 2005
My partner Jennifer was working with a girl called Angie from the Bronx whose sister was being deployed to Iraq. She gave me some photographs of her sister. I was struck by how fun and bubbly the girl in the pictures seemed. I did some drawings of her and her family and later put her in a painting “Crossing Paths Iraq”. The image portrays an American soldier crossing paths with a Roman wolf, representing a meeting of empires in Mesopotamia where Imperial Rome began its decline.
“Crossing paths Iraq “oil on canvas 122x183cm 2006
"Starbucks recruit Harlem “ pencil/watercolour on paper 20 cm x 10 cm 2006
I was in line for a coffee when I noticed this army recruiter at a table talking to a teenager. He had just bought a coffee for the boy and I heard him say “Son I will make a man of you”. The boy was quiet he looked very unsure of himself.
“Subway boy” pencil on paper 20 cm x 10 cm 2005
Arty boy on the subway.
I saw this small arty goth-looking teenager on the subway. He was talking to a guy and I was surprised to hear him say “I just wanna go to and fight in Iraq man.”
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